
Friday 16 December 2011

Track Down Your Stolen Laptop

Stolen Laptop

Prey Developer project created cross-platform open source software, which increases the likelihood of detection of lost or stolen laptop. In essence, Prey resembles the famous Adeona and is triggered when the laptop is connected to the Internet. By default, the application works in passive mode and periodically check the signs for the activation of it’s principal function, namely – the detection of missing laptop, which is set by the owner of the computer to an external Internet resource. Upon activation, Prey is starting to send emails with data set of the location of the laptop, which is calculated based on the current IP-address or service Google Location API close and open Wi-Fi networks. Moreover, the application makes hidden  photos through the web cam of the laptop, thereby helping to identify the thief. Prey screenshots remember to determine the actions performed on the computer accumulates statistics released applications and active network connections. The software is written in Bash, using standard system tools and there architecture modular allowing easy expansion of functionality.

Prey supports operating systems Windows, MacOS X different distributions of Linux. Also available is a module that sends the thief release, accompanied by sound signal offering his voluntary return to the laptop and the corresponding coordinates of the owner.

According to data of Prey, thieves don’t often formatted stolen laptops. Usually they want to know first what is useful information in the system. Thus, including a laptop in a public area with Wi-Fi access and Internet access via another connection, they released their location.

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