
Saturday 3 December 2011

Laptop or Desktop

Laptop vs desktop?

The short and quick answer to this question is: According to your needs.
Overall, desktop systems are more convenient for maintenance and 2-4 times cheaper than a laptop with the same parameters. Do not forget that your laptop has a screen while desktop PC requires a separate monitor. Another advantage of the notebook, obviously, is that it is designed to be portable, which is indispensable if you travel frequently, need to work from many different places, etc. The third reason many people choose laptops over desktops is that they take almost no room. For a desktop configuration should be given a place to box, monitor, keyboard and mouse on the desk while the laptop is just open and enjoy, wherever he is on the other hand, if your work is mostly in one place, no need to drift computer back and forth, you’re too pressed with living area and especially if you want a machine for games – I strongly recommend you to navigate to the desktop or a fat wallet. Another argument in favor of desktop machines – much easier they can be added or replaced components for laptops, the situation is quite complicated.

Laptop or Desktop, 9.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

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