
Tuesday 14 February 2012

What If Your Computer Doesn't Turn On?

How many times has it happened that you have tried to turn on your computer to no avail? Perhaps quite a few times! Your computer not turning on can be quite a dreadful situation. But, there is nothing for you to panic as here is a complete troubleshooting guide in case your computer does not turn on.

When faced with a computer that doesn't switch on, most people think that their precious data is gone forever. However, this is not true. In most cases, it could be a temporary fault that can be easily resolved. And, even if the problem is more serious such as a disk crash, a backup of your data can be taken. When your computer doesn't turn on, your data is not lost. It is just that the data is inaccessible for some time.

Though there can be several reasons for your computer not turning on, it is usually the failure of some hardware that accounts for the most common reason. However, it is not necessary that the failed hardware is your hard drive. So, there is absolutely no reason for you to panic.

In some cases when the computer is not turning on, there could be chances that the machine is not showing any signs of power. Try checking the power supply in such a situation. A loose wire could also be the reason. So, try unplugging and plugging wires again as this will help eliminate a loose connection, if any.

There may be some cases where in the computer does turn on for a few minutes and then turns off automatically without completing the booting process. The fans may turn on and the computer may show power too but this does not last for more than a few minutes. In such a situation, you ought to check the power supply voltage of the computer. Resetting every thing inside the computer could also help troubleshoot the problem.

If your computer turns on, shows all sign of power but there is nothing to display, chances are that the problem could be with your monitor. Check the monitor in case you find a fault. Clearing the BIOS memory on your motherboard will also prove to be of significant aid. This helps set the memory to their default active levels.

Another situation could be when your computer does turn on but it stops booting during the POST. In such a case, you may notice a BIOS error on the monitor. If yes, then you may consider troubleshooting the cause of the same. Clearing the CMOs also helps.

Lastly, if none of the above mentioned things help, then you may have to switch to the services of a professional. But odds of the same are very low.

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