
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Moving programs to create space on hard drive

Moving installed programs may not be very clean (depending upon the program itself)
All standalone programs, or even programs that only write to one folder when installing shouldn't be a concern too much (ie There still may be shortcuts and registry entries to be concerned about)

But programs such as an Antivirus, or Office, or even many games, install to multiple folders!
In this case (although there are 'move programs' that try to do this) your best option is to uninstall these large space consuming programs, and then just cleanly re-install them to your D Drive.
Think of it this way, if your 'C' Drive fails one day, you may need to do this anyway (re-install programs)

Another option (and probably preferred under the circumstances!) is to get a larger capacity 'C' drive itself.
This obviously depends upon if C & D are partitions or 2 physical drives? In either case, you may want to think about purchasing a larger drive. 2 Gig left, means you actually prefer the C drive anyway, plus many programs don't have the modify option of installing to another drive anyway.

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